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Approaching or adjusting to
life after your sport

Maybe your athletic career is coming to a natural end - like graduation or retirement, or maybe you have been finished for years. Regardless, the transition has been hard and you are struggling to reconstruct your identity. Counseling can help you work through the natural feelings of loss, self-worth and assist with revamping your mental functioning. 

A New You

Have you ever stopped to wonder the impact sports have made in your life? You spent years and thousands of hours dedicated to your sport and then it's over one day. For most former athletes, this can be a really difficult transition. You no longer have a coach coordinating your life and are now expected to just magically know how to make a schedule, eat healthy and find an exercise routine. What about those of us who have an 'achievement complex,' never feeling settled unless you are producing. Did you have a damaging or complex relationship with a coach and now there is an inner voice telling you everything you are doing in life is wrong. 


Working with former or retired athletes, I understand first hand the unique challenges that these individuals may face.  Some issues that immediately come to mind are the loss of identity, purpose, community and structure that their sport provided.


It's really hard moving on, but together we can process past experiences, explore new possibilities, and promote personal growth and well-being in life beyond athletics.

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